Reserve yours spot today.
More details will be available at the events
Sri Chinmoy
• Was ist Meditation?
• Ziele der Meditation
• Einfache Atemübungen
• Meditation und Alltag
• Meditation als Weg zum Frieden
• Fragen und Antworten
Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
Gewinne inneren Frieden: Erlebe eine tiefere Verbindung mit dir selbst und der Welt
Stress abbauen: Techniken um Stress und Ängste effektiv zu bewältigen
Zielgerichtetheit, Konzentration und geistige Klarheit
Erneuere deine Energie: Lade Geist, Körper und Seele auf und bleib jung
Friedenssuchende: Jeder, der sich nach innerer Ruhe und Harmonie in seinem Leben sehnt
Stressgeplagte Menschen: Menschen, die mit den Anforderungen des modernen Lebens zu kämpfen haben
Spirituelle Entdecker: Personen, die neugierig sind, Meditation und ihre Vorteile zu erforschen
Gemeinschaft Suchende: Menschen, die eine Verbindung zu einem unterstützenden Umfeld suchen
Die Vorträge und Kurse werden von Schülern des Meditationsmeister Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) geführt (
Teinehmeranzahl begrenzt, melde ich jetzt an:
Thursday | 19:30
Zurich 8046 | Holderbachweg 12
Your guide Kailash Beyer knows the inner world of feelings and voices both as a psychologist and through long experience in meditation. Visitors to his workshops appreciate his simple, clear language as well as the special tips and practical exercises they get. If you want to learn to meditate yourself or if you need to deepen your meditation, this lecture is for you.
• How you can meditate properly in the digital age
• How can to hear the voice of your Heart
• How and why you need to practice quite time
• How to make your daily meditation exercises
• Questions and what happens next
Meditating means listening to our heart. With practice you get to know the voice of your Hear and will be able to pay more attention to it in the future and design your life according to your inner aspirations!
A weekly free meditation class will be offered every Thursday 19.30 at the same venue for 4-5 weeks
starting September 12th
Limited spots available for the events.
Reserve yours today.
Als erfahrener Kursleiter für Meditationen verbindet Adesh tiefgründige Einsichten mit einfachen, praktischen Übungen, damit du deine eigene Meditation in deinem Herzen findest, und neue, erfüllende Perspektiven für dein Leben entdecken kannst
Teilnehmeranzahl begrenzt, melde dich hier an:
Andrea Marcato (Italy),
Pushkar Mullauer (Switzerland) and
Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (Slovakia) through their interviews and talks delve into the intersection of sports and self-transcendence, sharing inspiring insights from their incredible running meditation journeys
Gundita Corda and her friends will offer you a soul-stirring concert followed by meditation exercises and mantra singing, inviting participants to explore meditation through music
With his expertise in meditation, Prachar from Australia, guides you on a jorney beyond happiness, offering transformative insights to deepen your personal practice. In one of the evenings he will create for you a captivating atmosphere for introspection and inner exploration of meditative music
A renowned Vegan Food Pioneer, A.W. Dänzer shares wisdom on peace-food, life-food, and the awakening of humanity in the 21st century, offering a holistic perspective on nourishing both body and spirit
Teilnehmer Anzahl begrenzt - bitte hier anmelden
Limited spots avaliable for the events.
Reserve yours today.
As a inspired advocate for both sports and meditation, I have found immense fulfillment and inner peace through the teachings of Sri Chinmoy. This year's upcoming Zurich Meditation Week promises to be an enriching experience, blending the knowedge of the physical activity with the serenity of meditation. I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to join us in this transformative journey towards self-discovery and well-being. It would be great if you can join
I cherish the beauty of the meditative music and the profound inner florishing though meditation, so I am thrilled to endorse the Zurich Meditation Week organized by the Sri Chinmoy Centre Zurich. Having participated in almost all events of Sri Chinmoy Centre, I can attest to the profound positive impact they have on my inner and outer life. This event offers you, me and everybody a really unique opportunity to immerse in the harmonious blend of meditative knowledge, exercises, music and experiences! I am sure as it is for me, for you it also could be and experience of a lifetime!
Designed by Mitra & Adesh
Using Madal.Pro Infrastructure
Holderbachweg 12
8046 Zürich
Tel. 041 559 27 13